
Jason Raich

Jason Raich

Jason Raich is a marketing consultant who is based in Beverly Hills. He is the founder of social envi, a social media marketing agency.

Recently, he was accused of assaulting a Canadian Asian woman Jennifer Chen. He has gotten massive backlash after the incident.


Jason Raich is a marketing consultant for stay-at-home parents who lives in Beverly Hills. He holds a marketing degree from Cornell University and has worked at Myspace between 2004 and 2009 as manager and social media marketer. He was also the founder and head of strategy at Social Envi from 2010 to 2016.

Jennifer Chen claims that on September 15, 2021, Jason Riach punched her in a parking lot in the Balcon on Beverwil. She later tracked him down and recorded the incident on her phone, even though he denied assaulting her.

According to Chen, the incident left her with both physical and mental trauma. She suffered a concussion, lip laceration, toothache and multiple broken tooth roots.

He has yet to be arrested for the assault, but Chen reports that police have promised to “contact her as soon as a detective is appointed.” She is requesting help from the wider Asian community in attempting to find him.

Net Worth

Janson Raich is an American marketing consultant who has been living in Beverly Hills, United States of America. He works as a marketing consultant for Stay-at-home parents. His salary is estimated to be at least $1.3 million dollars annually.

He is also the founder of Social Envi. He has been working in a managerial post before becoming a marketing consultant.

Currently, Jason Raich lives in Beverly Hills, California, and he has two kids who attend the same school as Chen’s son. He is also a Stay-at-home parent and works as a marketing consultant for Stay-at-home Parents.

In his professional career, he has gained a lot of fame and notoriety. However, he has kept his net worth a secret.

Jennifer Chen, a Canadian Asian woman, claims that Riach said racial slurs and punched her on September 15, 2021 in the Balcon parking lot of Beverwil. She had a lacerated lip and suffered from multiple tooth root fractures due to the incident. She reportedly reported the incident to the police. They have promised to call her as soon as a detective is appointed.

Social Media

Social media is an internet-based form of communication that allows users to create and share content. It consists of a range of platforms, including blogs, microblogs, wikis, photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, and widgets.

The earliest social networking services emerged in the 1990s, such as CompuServe and Prodigy, which introduced desktop access to bulletin board messaging and real-time online chatting. Today, over 4 billion people use social media on a monthly basis, and it has revolutionised the way that businesses communicate with their customers.

During the past decade, social media has become an integral part of our digital lives, changing the way we interact with each other and how we buy goods and services. It has also transformed how marketing professionals do business and engage with their audiences.

In an effort to understand the role that social media plays in our lives, we looked at its history and how it has shaped the world of marketing. We examined how the network evolved from a direct electronic information exchange to a virtual gathering place to a retail platform to a vital 21st-century marketing tool, and how marketers are using it.

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